Promesas, consejos y garantÃas

Ningún modelo tiene Photoshop.
AquÃ, en Threads Redeemed, celebramos nuestra belleza natural. Esto significa que no se ha retocado ningún modelo. Siempre. Pero porque queremos a cada persona quien modela para nosotros o hace una compra para sentirse hermosa, solo publicamos imágenes que han sido aprobadas por la modelo; él o ella deben sentirse lo mejor posible en las fotos.
Ningún tamaño es igual. Asà sabrás cómo queda fuera de la talla.
Históricamente, la definición de los números que aparecen en la ropa ha cambiado. Lo que era una talla 2 en los 50 es diferente de lo que era en los 90 y de lo que es ahora. Esto significa que el hecho de que un artÃculo sea de talla 2 no significa que le quede como un moderno 2. Para resolver este problema, lo modelamos en personas reales y / o damos una descripción detallada de cómo encaja. Debido a esto, la ropa no se puede filtrar por tamaño, porque en la ropa de segunda mano y vintage es como debe ser: un número no importa.

Solo lo diseñamos para darte una idea.

As a vintage business, we have a goal of being waste free and earth minded. There are obstacles such as tags from thrift stores, shipping materials, marketing materials, etc. We are not perfect - we have made some mistakes, but we are committed to constantly learning and improving our practices.
Here are the solutions we have committed to as a business:
All marketing materials printed with our new logos (earring holders, hanging tags, etc.) are printed on gloss-free 100% recycled paper. When you take off a tag, recycle (or compost) it.
We are discontinuing our stickers - as much as we love providing stickers for your car or water bottle, the only way to be water and fade proof is to have a plastic covering on the sticker. We will continue to include stickers in our orders until we run out.
We ship in 100% recycled and recyclable materials. Once you get your order, take off the shipping label then throw the kraft mailer in your recycling bin or rip it up and use it as compost. We get these materials from Ecoenclose.
Our thank you notes are vintage cards sources at estate sales or yard sales! We also attempt to write on one side so that you can rip the front of the card off and reuse it.
We no longer print business cards. We will use up the rest of what we have and will no longer print cards. We will explore having touch free cards in the future.
We have ended our use of paper bags are markets. We encourage our customers to brings totes or large bags when shopping with us. While we initially thought using paper bags was better, we found they were still only being used once. So, bring a tote or buy a Naturally Dyed Bag at a discounted rate when shopping with us in person.
We do our best to always clean and sanitize all products with non-toxic and fragrance free cleaners.
Goals for the future of the business:
Switch to recyclable shipping labels
Switch to algae ink to decrease toxins in stamped logo
Solo lo diseñamos para darte una idea.
Lo entendemos. A veces ves un artÃculo en la percha y piensas: "¿Qué diablos ...?" También sabemos que ver un artÃculo en una percha puede provocar creatividad sin fin. Para ello, creamos un outfit con él y te mostramos lo que es por sà solo en una percha. Pero, es tu estilo, ¡no seas como el resto!
No te ocultaremos defectos.
Quiere saber lo que realmente está comprando, y no le mentiremos. Cada artÃculo que vendemos se verifica en la tienda, cuando se enumera y cuando se modela para asegurarnos de que no nos perdemos nada al describÃrselo. Es por eso que cada artÃculo que vendemos está fotografiado en detalle para que no sienta que estamos ocultando nada.
Every item is cleaned and sanitized.
We get it, thrift stores, yard sales, etc. can be gross. We deal with the ick so you don't have to. Every item is cleaned, spot treated, and sanitized by our cleaners (i.e. the owners). We do our best to do so in an environment friendly way. We dry clean only when necessary (we are currently looking for an environment friendly cleaners). We also wash with non-toxic, earth and body friendly detergent - no perfumes or fragrance, harsh chemicals, or dyes. This way when you buy an item from us, you can be confident it is clean and allergy friendly.
**On some necessary occasions, there are some stains that require further treatment such as bleach or items that contain bleach that are not as friendly. We do our best to ensure this is only when necessary. This is less than 5% of items we sell.